I am aiming to measure the impact of a treatment (a marketing stimulus) on product revenue. The data has resulted from a natural experiment. The set-up is tabulated below. Cells in the table indicate whether customers in a group received marketing stimulus or not.
Customer group | Sales Quarter 1 | Sales Quarter 2 |
Control group | No | No |
Treatment Group 1 | No | Yes |
Because there is customer level data, I plan to estimate using a panel regression model with revenue in a quarter as Y and the following variables as Xs (I may include additional variables if the trends in TG & CG are different and unrelated to the treatment effects):
- Dummy variable for whether customer revenue was measured in Quarter 1/ Quarter 2
- Dummy variable for whether customer was in the treatment group/ control
- The interaction between the two dummy variables, the co-efficient of which would be the Difference-in-Differences estimate, or the estimate of the treatment effect.
I stated the above to set context. My query however, is about an additional set of data that is available, indicated as treatment group 2 in the table below:
Customer group | Sales Quarter 1 | Sales Quarter 2 |
Control group | No | No |
Treatment Group 1 | No | Yes |
Treatment Group 2 | Yes | No |
My question is whether this information can be used to improve the validity of the study and if so, how?