
I am aiming to measure the impact of a treatment (a marketing stimulus) on product revenue. The data has resulted from a natural experiment. The set-up is tabulated below. Cells in the table indicate whether customers in a group received marketing stimulus or not.

Customer group Sales Quarter 1 Sales Quarter 2
Control group No No
Treatment Group 1 No Yes

Because there is customer level data, I plan to estimate using a panel regression model with revenue in a quarter as Y and the following variables as Xs (I may include additional variables if the trends in TG & CG are different and unrelated to the treatment effects):

  1. Dummy variable for whether customer revenue was measured in Quarter 1/ Quarter 2
  2. Dummy variable for whether customer was in the treatment group/ control
  3. The interaction between the two dummy variables, the co-efficient of which would be the Difference-in-Differences estimate, or the estimate of the treatment effect.

I stated the above to set context. My query however, is about an additional set of data that is available, indicated as treatment group 2 in the table below:

Customer group Sales Quarter 1 Sales Quarter 2
Control group No No
Treatment Group 1 No Yes
Treatment Group 2 Yes No

My question is whether this information can be used to improve the validity of the study and if so, how?

  • $\begingroup$ hi,well if its study, give it chapter, describe input, collect/show results in graphs/tables. it can improve it. ..i mean, the reason to do research project is sometimes in process of documenting tests..in good way, many times good inventions are found in doing simple things ... many times including more data into X "increase" model accuracy, sometimes not .. my simple advice is to test it and see how things work :-) and document it $\endgroup$
    – user2120
    Commented May 25, 2021 at 13:43
  • $\begingroup$ (1) Do you observe the same individuals over time? (2) Does the marketing stimulus start at the same time for all individuals in your treatment group(s)? (3) Might there be any overlap or synergy between the two treatment groups? $\endgroup$ Commented May 25, 2021 at 19:54
  • $\begingroup$ @ThomasBilach (1) Same individuals over time? Yes, The individuals in a group e.g., TG1 remain the same across the 2 quarters. (2) Marketing stimulus start at the same time for all individuals in your treatment group(s)? They do. TG2 members received the stimulus at the beginning of sales Q1, while TG1 members did so at the beginning of sales Q2. (3) Overlap or synergy between the two treatment groups? Not certain if I understand what you imply by overlap, but the individuals in the 3 groups are mutually exclusive- no individual who is a member of TG1 is included in TG2 or the CG. $\endgroup$
    – Nibbles
    Commented May 26, 2021 at 7:14
  • $\begingroup$ And is the second treatment group only treated in the first quarter? $\endgroup$ Commented May 27, 2021 at 3:19
  • $\begingroup$ And is the second treatment group only treated in the first quarter? Yes. $\endgroup$
    – Nibbles
    Commented May 27, 2021 at 14:42

1 Answer 1


The problem with estimating the effects of both treatments in one equation is the inclusion of the time dummies separating pre- versus post-treatment. The pre-treatment period for group 1 is, technically, the post-treatment period for group 2.

Let's try to formalize this by writing out your difference-in-differences equation. Here is the canonical specification with two treatment groups.

$$ y_{it} = \alpha + \gamma_1 T^{1}_{i} + \gamma_2 T^{2}_{i} + \lambda_1 B_{t} + \lambda_2 A_{t} + \delta_1 (T^{1}_{i} \times B_{t}) + \delta_2 (T^{2}_{i} \times A_{t} ) + \epsilon_{it}, $$

  • $T^{1}_{i}$ = 1 for individuals in Treatment Group 1, 0 otherwise
  • $T^{2}_{i}$ = 1 for individuals in Treatment Group 2, 0 otherwise
  • $B_{t}$ = 1 in Quarter 1, 0 otherwise (i.e., "before" period)
  • $A_{t}$ = 1 in Quarter 2, 0 otherwise (i.e., "after" period)

The redundancies should be evident. Note how $B_{t}$ and $A_{t}$ index all epochs. One time indicator must be dropped to avoid collinearity. If the pre-period is dropped, which will likely be the case if estimated in the order presented above, then software will only return an estimate for $\delta_2$.

In my opinion, I would run two separate equations. The first would only include $T^{1}_{i}$ and your controls; the second would only include $T^{2}_{i}$ and your controls. The latter equation is the effect of withdrawing treatment (i.e., switching from 1 to 0). It's rare to observe entities starting out in a treated condition, but the equation is estimable.

Technically, it doesn't matter which epoch we set as a reference. In most cases, the absolute value of the treatment effect is the same either way, they're just opposite in sign. This is true in general. However, symmetry isn't always guaranteed. Say revenue was log-transformed. Here, the effect of moving into treatment (i.e., switching from 0 to 1) isn't the same as moving out (i.e., switching from 1 to 0).

In short, including multiple treatment groups into one model isn't appropriate. The second group of individuals (i.e., $T^{2}_{i}$) don't have any pre-event data. In my opinion, I would subject the customers whose marketing stimulus was removed to a separate analysis.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for your detailed argument ! To confirm, your final recommendation would then be, to consider data for TG1 and CG across the 2 quarters to estimate the impact of the stimulus.. $\endgroup$
    – Nibbles
    Commented Jun 21, 2021 at 12:33
  • $\begingroup$ Yes. Your analysis for the first treatment group is valid. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 21, 2021 at 16:35
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you Thomas! $\endgroup$
    – Nibbles
    Commented Jun 21, 2021 at 19:28

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