This answer consists of two parts. The first part develops a basic insight about long sequences of repetitions of an experiment. This insight is conveyed by a simple diagram of the experimental results. The second part quickly answers the question by applying this insight.
The insight
Consider any probabilistic event, such as a 3
appearing in one roll of a die ("experiment $A$"). Its "probability" is intended to reflect the proportion of times this event occurs in very long sequences of the experiment.
One way to compute this proportion is to run a slightly different experiment, "experiment $B.$" The second version repeats experiment $A$ up until the moment a prescribed outcome, such as 3
, appears. Let's refer to this outcome as $\omega.$ Let $N$ count how many iterations of experiment $A$ are needed until $\omega$ occurs. When we repeat experiment $B$ we observe a sequence of realizations of such random variables: $N_1$ for the first occurrence, $N_2$ for the second, and so on.
This figure shows a schematic timeline in which the repetitions of experiment $A$ are plotted left to right. Each occurrence of $\omega$ is noted. The $N_i,$ by definition, count how many trials of experiment $A$ were needed to produce each successive $\omega.$ Evidently, $\omega$ occurs $n$ times out of $N_1+\cdots + N_n$ repetitions of experiment $A.$
Because experiment $A$ (rolling a die) is assumed to behave the same way each time and to have independent outcomes, the $N_i$ have identical distributions and are independent, too. Let's use them to estimate how often $\omega$ appears in a long sequence of runs of experiment $A.$ Pick a large number $n$ of iterations of experiment $B,$ with outcomes $N_1, N_2,\ldots, N_n.$ This implies that $\omega$ occurred in exactly $n$ out of $N_1+N_2+\cdots+N_n$ iterations of experiment $A.$ The proportion estimates the chance of $\omega$ in experiment $A:$
$$\Pr(\omega) \approx \frac{n}{N_1+N_2+\cdots + N_n} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n N_i}.$$
(The second equality arises from the algebra of fractions: numerator and denominator were both divided by $n.$)
In the denominator appears an approximation to the expected value of experiment $B.$ As a matter of notation, let $N(\omega)$ refer to the generic outcome of experiment $B,$ so that we may express this fact as
$$E[N(\omega)] \approx \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n N_i.$$
Weak laws of large numbers guarantee these approximations become arbitrarily good as $n$ increases. Putting the results together, we see that
$$\Pr(\omega) = \frac{1}{E[N(\omega)]}.$$
The application
A die is fair when all its outcomes are equally likely. With a six-sided die then, the sum of all six chances must be $1$ (axiomatically), implying each chance is $1/6.$ In the denominator of the foregoing result we can read off the expected time to roll any given face: it is $6,$ QED.