In a previous posting on this site RepulsiveBehavior I attempted to detail a quantum-information-theoretic separability/entanglement problem I am pursuing. Detailed issues of sampling sizes for a data set being developing were raised and perhaps obscured the chief question I hope to have addressed/clarified.
That is, based on my study BlochRadiiRepulsion, I believe that I am dealing with a symmetric copula $f(x,y)=f(y,x)$ defined over the unit square for which the values of $f(x,x)$ assume relative minima.
Might there be any standard copulas (at least for certain parameter settings) exhibiting such behavior that I could try to fit to these data being developing? My attempts to do so MathematicaQuestion have not so far been successful in this regard.
Here is a plot of the pdf based on my sampling procedure
The relative minima along $x=y$ are discernible.
Here is a further plot of the residuals from this pdf of a weighted least-squares fit of the Ali-Mikhail-Haq (AMH) model with estimated parameter 0.0192858.