My goal is to test the weak-form efficient market hypothesis using time-series on prices of various stocks listed on S&P 500. According to theory, a particular stock is said to be weak-form efficient if it follows a random walk. I would like to ask if using tests such as ADF, KPSS and Elliott-Rothenberg-Stock (which all test for unit roots in the data) is the same as testing whether the series follows a random walk. Confusion arises because I have read on various websites that "not all non-stationary time-series are random walks". However, in some papers I also see people using these unit-root tests to verify the efficient market hypothesis...
To recap, is it fine to use ADF, KPSS, ERS, and other unit root tests to test whether a series exhibits a random walk? Suggestions on other possible weak-form efficiency tests are more than welcome.
Thank you