I have an independent variable hours/day sitting and a dependent variable test scores, I think all of the assumptions of linear regression are violated, as in the pictures that I added
So I did one way anova instead and I grouped the independent variable into two catagories (6-11 hours, and 12-17 hours). And I used Mann Whitney test instead of t test following the chart that I attached from this site: https://www.spss-tutorials.com/spss-independent-samples-t-test/ I added the results of Mann Whitney test I also added the questionnaire that I used for the two dependent variables.
I'm not sure if this is the correct method because many authors say that grouping continuous independent variables is not a good method, which method should I use?
I have 6 more independent variables and I used one-way anova or t test or kruskal wallis test and Mann Whitney test separately according to violation of the assumptions.
Are these methods that I conducted correct? Sample size is 100 Thank you