suppose I have different "scores" that can be computed for every data point in a time series. The score quantifies how anomalous the point is. The scores are very different in nature, so its not like an ensemble of identical algorithms on different features.....
I want to understand what possibilities I have to combine them and find it difficult to get an overview. Approaches I have already thought of:
Thresholding of every single score to get a classifier and then combine them via a voting approach (majority decision if anomaly or not)
Average of scores and then threshold the average to have one decision
For these approaches, there is also the question how to get a weighting for the different scores.
It would be great if you can point me into some direction on what methods are out there to approach something like this.
Thank you!
Edit: I try to give a little more context to make it easier understandable:
We want to look at every data point of a time series and return information regarding if it is an anomaly (either by yes/no or a score between 0 and 1).
We have several "classfiers" that return this output:
Based on some domain knowledge, a threshold is defined and every point above is an anomaly with some probability
A machine learning algorithm returns the probability/decision
Decision/probability is based on mesauring similarity with some reference time series
I am looking for ideas to combine the scores or decisions into a final one. Maybe this is still to general, i am just trying to get an idea on what is out there.
Thank you.