I want to compare 2 values to see if there considerable significant different between them.
Basically these values comes from 2 credits score bureau providers (score 1 and score 2). The score 3 is just the avg between score 1 and 2. and we base our decision on this score 3.
+ id+ score 1+ score 2+ score 3+
+ 006abXi+ 100+ 50+ 75+
+ 006fsRe+ 600+ 550+ 575+
+ 006csXm+ 320+ 350+ 335+
We are trying to identify if it is worth to keep using score 2, and just based our decision on the first credit bureau.
My current sample is a bit under 3500 records. And to have a very rough idea, I did an average of the score 1 and score 2 and see if there is much difference between them
+ avg+ score 1+ score 2+ score 3+
+ + 556.92+ 584.14+ 570.53+
Doesn't look much but I do not think this will be the right way to base this decision on. I am wonder if there is any formula or sort of graph that I can use to visualize and be able to base my decision in some more scientific background?