I have the following Weibull distribution:
$f(x;\lambda,\beta) = (\lambda\beta)x^{(\beta-1)}e^{(-\lambda x^b)} $ where $\lambda$ is scale parameter and $\beta$ is shape parameter.
I have an alternative parameterization for Weibull in r
$f(x;a,b) = \frac{a}{b} (\frac{x}{b})^{(a-1)} e^{(- (x/b)^a)} $ where $a$ is shape parameter and $b$ is scale parameter.
How do you equate the shape and scale parameters from above distributions. Below is my solution. Clearly, I'm wrong.
> l=0.5
> b=2.5
> dwei <- function(x,l,b){
+ l*b*x^(b-1)*exp(-l*(x^b))
+ }
> dwei(x=2,l,b)
[1] 0.2089704
> dweibull(x=2, shape=b, scale = 1/l)
[1] 0.4598493