I did a linear regression in R and got the following result:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 192116.40 6437.27 29.844 < 2e-16 ***
cdd 272.74 26.94 10.123 1.56e-09 ***
pmax(hdd - 450, 0) 61.73 22.54 2.738 0.0123 *
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 16500 on 21 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.8454, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8307
F-statistic: 57.41 on 2 and 21 DF, p-value: 3.072e-09
My question regards the R-squared value, 0.83 and what it means if I want to specify approximate percentage contributions of each (monthly) variable.
EDIT: See data, below. Say I take the first 12 hdd and cdd data points, and calculate the sum of the 12 predictions (i.e. the first year's total prediction), using the coefficients, above. The baseline (intercept) contribution to the year would be approximately 12 * 192116.40 = 2305397, right? Similarly, the cdd contribution to the year would be approximately 1608 * 272.74 = 438565.9, and hdd would be (after my hand-made hinge function) approximately 1329 * 61.73 = 82039.17. Summing the three values yields 2826002, which is within 1.3% of actual total usage (2862840, the sum of the first 12 elec's).
Can I then say that cdd contributes 438565.9/2826002= 0.1551895, or approximately 16% of the yearly total? Or do I need to take that and compensate for the adjusted R-squared: 0.1551895*0.8307= 0.1289159 (i.e. multiply by the adjusted R-squares), for approximately 13% of the total? Or is none of this correct reasoning?
My data is:
elec hdd cdd
1 235940 880 3
2 205380 772 4
3 211780 551 9
4 192220 281 68
5 221440 165 119
6 304840 15 364
7 283160 4 434
8 300440 11 339
9 272900 42 214
10 204220 322 44
11 201060 592 8
12 229460 784 2
13 214520 1064 0
14 197900 719 2
15 186660 618 15
16 195340 332 88
17 241200 109 159
18 260700 18 282
19 299940 29 367
20 293240 2 426
21 268740 51 159
22 208380 319 36
23 183820 452 7
24 231360 903 0
(The monthly billing cycle for elec can be anywhere from 29 to 32 days, so that injects a lot of variance right there. I do not yet have all of the billing cycle lengths to to a trading day kind of adjustment.)