I am running a random forest for classification of a data with three classes in R, and each class has around 20 samples. I am partitioning data into train and test in 80:20 ratio using caret package. As the sample size is low, I used a for loop 1 to 100 to build 100 models to see how accuracy changes with each partitioning. I obtained accuracy of 1 for all 100 models, and all test data can be classified 100% in two steps. Only change is in top n features based on gini index. I was using all top n features of 100 models, and using median of scores for the common features across them. I wanted to ask your suggestions as accuracy of 1 is indicator of over-fitting.
Updating to add an example script to illustrate RF model I built;
for (i in 1:100) {
# partition
df.training.samples <- df$type %>%
createDataPartition(p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
df.train.data <- data.frame(df[df.training.samples, ], check.names = T)
df.test.data <- data.frame(df[-df.training.samples, ], check.names = T)
# build model
df.tree <- randomForest(type ~ .,
data = df.train.data,
importance = TRUE,
ntree = 1000,
maxnodes = 3)
# add model to list
model.list[[i]] <- df.tree
# performance on test data
df.actual <- df.test.data$type
df.predicted <- predict(df.tree,
acc.list[i] <- calc_acc(actual = df.actual,
predicted = df.predicted)