I ran a psychology experiment where participants categorized a target word into one of two categories (living thing or non-living thing?) by pressing one of two buttons, where the outcome of interest is the time it takes them to respond correctly. The target was preceded by a prime word that was either an English word or not (coded as lexical_status
, 1 or 0), and either overlapped in spelling with it or not (coded as relatedness
, also 1 or 0) - so it was a 2x2 design.
I am interested in estimating the main effects of lexical status and relatedness as well as their interaction on the response time. Each of the 64 participants categorized 320 distinct target words. Each participant (SUBJ_ID
) saw each of the TARGET
words only once during the experiment (so in just one of the four conditions) and each target word occurred many times in each of the 4 conditions (~15 times on average) across the whole experiment. Is this an appropriate model to fit for the data:
glmm_model_identity = glmer(RT ~ relatedness*lexical_status +
(1|TARGET) + (1|SUBJ_ID),
family = Gamma(link = "identity"), data = data_unrep_acc)
If not, what would be a more appropriate model?
PS I tried fitting the below model but it did not converge, and the next model I tried fitting is the one in the post.
glmm_model_identity = glmer(response_time ~
relatedness*lexical_status +
(0 + relatedness*lexical_status|TARGET) +
(0 + relatedness*lexical_status|SUBJ_ID),
family = Gamma(link = "identity"), data = data)