I am seeking advice for the best way to score a multi-output/multitask classification model's output.
Problem setup
A simplified version of the model is as follows:
- Training data have F features, say they are descriptors of people (ethnicity, hair color, eye color, medical data)
- Target variable is age
Obviously this is a regression problem, but just for fun I'd like to frame it as a classification problem using these bins:
- Age <= 25,
- 25 < Age <= 35,
- 35 < Age <= 45, and
- Age > 45
For each input "person" X, my model currently outputs probabilities of membership in each bin, that is: ( P(X <= 25yo), P(25yo < X <= 35), P(35yo < X <= 45yo), P(X > 45yo) ).
Main Question - How to score model output?
The low-hanging-fruit metric is calculating percent accuracy by finding the highest-probability age for each test-set person and comparing their binned real age, but I've read good arguments for using proper/strictly-proper scoring rules (e.g. Brier score/MSE, log scoring rule) instead of percent accuracy for binary classifiers from Frank Harrell and others here. I can't seem to find a classification scoring rule that generalizes to n-output/target variables, as there is in my my case where continuous output is discretized into mutually exclusive bins.
I could cook up some generalized metric by computing MSEs for each bin or something similar, but I figure I'd ask here for more informed minds if there's a standard approach here that I've overlooked.
Really appreciate any help, let me know if anything needs clarification.