I ran a simple linear mixed model using lmer
on a dataset for participants who had been randomly assigned to one of two conditions and were measured at baseline, post-intervention, and at a follow-up on a continuous outcome.
The model took the form lmer(outcome ~ timepoint * condition + (1|cluster/ID), data = data)
The results indicated that there was no significant interaction for timepoint*condition
. However, I checked the group comparisons using emmeans
that were planned to contrast the marginal mean group scores at post-intervention and also at follow-up, and both of these comparisons are significant.
Since the planned comparisons drew on the model generated in the first step, how is it that the interaction is non-significant but those two comparisons are significant?
The results of the model and then the comparisons are below:
> ## Model ##
> lmer(outcome ~ timepoint * condition + (1 | cluster/ID), data = data)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method ['lmerModLmerTest']
Formula: outcome ~ timepoint * condition + (1 | cluster/ID)
Data: data
REML criterion at convergence: 1294.2
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.03115 -0.49191 -0.01708 0.51935 2.43162
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
ID:cluster (Intercept) 1.6674 1.291
cluster (Intercept) 0.1176 0.343
Residual 3.0743 1.753
Number of obs: 302, groups: ID:cluster, 106; cluster, 6
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 5.161e+00 3.878e-01 4.015e+00 13.309 0.00018 ***
timepoint1 2.846e-01 3.589e-01 2.044e+02 0.793 0.42868
timepoint2 3.688e-03 3.615e-01 2.052e+02 0.010 0.99187
conditionTreatment 4.325e-01 5.197e-01 5.582e+00 0.832 0.43945
timepoint1:conditionTreatment 6.619e-01 4.941e-01 2.009e+02 1.340 0.18189
timepoint2:conditionTreatment 6.067e-01 4.974e-01 2.017e+02 1.220 0.22393
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) tmpnt1 tmpnt2 trtmnT tmp1:T
timepoint1 -0.427
timepoint2 -0.423 0.478
conditionTr -0.746 0.318 0.316
tmpnt1:conT 0.310 -0.726 -0.347 -0.453
tmpnt2:conT 0.308 -0.347 -0.727 -0.450 0.485
## Comparisons ##
> mod_outcome <- lmer(outcome ~ timepoint * condition + (1 | cluster/ID), data = data)
> emm_outcome <- emmeans(mod_outcome, specs = pairwise ~ condition:timepoint, adjust = "none")
> emm_outcome$contrasts
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Control timepoint0 - Treatment timepoint0 -0.1755 0.352 292 -0.498 0.6190
Control timepoint0 - Control timepoint1 -0.2939 0.354 203 -0.829 0.4079
Control timepoint0 - Treatment timepoint1 -1.1232 0.354 292 -3.172 0.0017
Control timepoint0 - Control timepoint2 -0.0162 0.357 205 -0.045 0.9638
Control timepoint0 - Treatment timepoint2 -0.7938 0.356 292 -2.230 0.0265
Treatment timepoint0 - Control timepoint1 -0.1184 0.364 292 -0.325 0.7452
Treatment timepoint0 - Treatment timepoint1 -0.9478 0.338 196 -2.806 0.0055
Treatment timepoint0 - Control timepoint2 0.1593 0.366 292 0.435 0.6641
Treatment timepoint0 - Treatment timepoint2 -0.6183 0.340 197 -1.821 0.0701
Control timepoint1 - Treatment timepoint1 -0.8293 0.366 292 -2.268 0.0241
Control timepoint1 - Control timepoint2 0.2777 0.366 196 0.758 0.4494
Control timepoint1 - Treatment timepoint2 -0.4999 0.367 292 -1.361 0.1747
Treatment timepoint1 - Control timepoint2 1.1070 0.368 292 3.009 0.0029
Treatment timepoint1 - Treatment timepoint2 0.3294 0.341 196 0.966 0.3352
Control timepoint2 - Treatment timepoint2 -0.7776 0.370 292 -2.104 0.0363
Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger