Suppose X, Y, Z are three jointly Gaussian random variables and X and Z are independent given Y. For example, take three r.v. from a OU process. Here is some R
nr <- 3
gg <- seq(0, 1, length.out=nr)
C <- exp(-.1*as.matrix(dist(gg)))
The precision matrix has a zero at element 1,3 and 3,1: so the first (X) and third (Z) random variables are conditionally independent given the second (Y):
P <- solve(C) # 1 and 3 are conditionally independent given 2
Now it would seem to me that these equalities hold by the rules of probability and conditioning: $$ \frac{P(X < x , Y < y)}{P(Y < y)} = P(X < x | Y < y) = P(X < x | Y < y, Z < z) = \frac{P(X < x, Y < y, Z < z)}{P(Y < y, Z < z)} $$ because events related to Z should not change our probability assessments of events related to X, due to conditional independence on Y. However, here for example I get drastically different results:
evalx <- c(-1, 1, -1)
# define a cdf for simplicity
Pr <- \(index) mvtnorm::pmvnorm(upper=evalx[ index ], sigma = C[ index, index ])
x <- 1
y <- 2
z <- 3
xy <- 1:2
yz <- 2:3
xyz <- 1:3
Pr(xy) / Pr(y) # P(X < x | Y < y): 0.186655
Pr(xyz) / Pr(yz) # P(X < x | Y < y, Z < z): 0.3238458
Where am I making a mistake?