I'm interested in building a generalized additive mixed model (GAMM) like this as it has nearly the same set-up as mine, but with an additional level of complexity (a 2 level factor called "season", per year). V1-2 are my (time dependent) environmental covariates. I think it makes sense biologically to have a global year smoother with individual site effects that share the same penalty (i.e. s(CYR.std, fSite, bs = 'fs')
), but how would I incorporate it with the my random intercept for site? I'm limited by the number of terms I can do as I don't have a lot of data. Therefore, I'm hoping to make this as efficient as possible (Total N=1381).
# Is this close to what I need?
m <- gam(count ~ s(V1) + V2 +
s(CYR.std, by = fSeason) +
s(CYR.std, fSite, bs = 'fs'),
family=poisson, data=df, method = "REML", select = TRUE)
- fSite = factor site (repeated measures design - same 47 sites sampled once per season, every year)
- CYR.std = Continuous year (2008 =1, 2009 =2, etc..)
- fSeason = factor season (2 levels, Wet/Dry)
Does this seem correct? I used the bs = "sz"
because I have multiple smooths of year.
# switched to bam() for speed
test <- bam(count ~ s(v1) +
v2 +
s(CYR.std) +
s(CYR.std, fSeason, bs = "sz") +
s(CYR.std, fSite, bs = "sz"),
data = toad2,
method = 'fREML',
discrete = TRUE,
family = poisson,
select = TRUE,
control = list(trace = TRUE))
My first try (what I was told these mean):
mod <- bam(count ~ CYR.std * fSeason + # Easier to explain
s(v1) + v2 +
s(fSite, bs = "re") +
# No repeated measures per fSite, BUT a random intercept says: each site
# can have it's own starting position. If not random, then we are explicitly
# saying all sites start with the same abundance. It makes more sense
# for abundance to have a random starting point in this case).
s(fSite, fCYR, bs = "re") +
# The station:year interaction captures the correlation (repeated measure)
# between the 2 measurements per year, at each site. Captures the broader
# level variation among sites and years.
s(fSite, CYR.std, bs = "re") +
# Each site can have it's own trend in abundance, over time
s(fSeason, fCYR, bs = "re") +
# fSeason within year
data = toad2,
method = 'fREML',
discrete = TRUE,
family = poisson,
control = list(trace = TRUE))