Looking at the original paper, I would recommend their approach (section 5):
To implement the distance covariance test for small samples, we obtain a reference distribution for $n\mathcal{V}^2_n$ under independence by conditioning on the observed
sample, that is, by computing replicates of $n\mathcal{V}^2_n$ under random permutations of the indices of the Y sample.
Essentially, you have your current distance correlation $\mathcal{R}_0$. You randomly reallocate each observation from set 1 to a different observation from set 2, without replacement, and recalculate the distance correlation. Your P-value is the number of resamples where the distance correlation is greater than $\mathcal{R}_0$, so I would recommend doing at least on the order of 10,000 resamples assuming your dataset is not so small that you can actively exhaust all possible permutations.
By the way, this will only allow you to reject a hypothesis of no correlation, but that is usually what these kinds of tests do ('the two sets are correlated' is usually the alternative hypothesis).