I'm not a mathematician or statistician (my last exposure was over 30 years ago with stats classes in school).
My problem is if events are independent do you just add them together to get the overall chance of the event (my school exposure at least makes me think that maybe it is not that simple).
The actual problem:
I'm about to have a heart operation.
There are chances of serious complications.
1% risk of A (cardiac perforation)
1% risk of B (stroke)
1% risk of C (pulmonary vein stenosis)
1% risk of D (vascular damage)
0.2% risk of E (mitral valve damage)
So, is my chance of a serious complication 4.2% (A + B + C + D + E)?
Or since each event has no influence on occurrence of other events is chance of a complication more like 1% being the highest risk value?
Or something in between?
I did try searching here for an answer but everything rapidly got into stats maths and complex formulae, then I got lost, so please keep it simple for me <:-)