
I'm looking to solve the point where 2 opposite Weibull functions meet. I'm using the drc package, with a type 2 Weibull having 2 parameters in R. I've fit both lines to my data, and now I have the e and b intercepts for the functions defining each line. I would like to now solve for where the x values are equivalent.

The Weibull (type2) 2 parameter function is: $$ f(x)= 1-\exp\left[-\exp\left(b\times (\log(x) - \log(e)\right))\right] $$ exponential decay line:

           Estimate Std. Error   t-value p-value
 b:(Intercept) -2.226194   0.225339 -9.879323       0
 e:(Intercept)  1.209326   0.072042 16.786444       0

exponential increase line:

               Estimate Std. Error   t-value p-value
b:(Intercept)  1.616248   0.145047 11.142956       0
e:(Intercept)  1.837511   0.072107 25.482970       0

Ideally I would also like to get a confidence interval for this point. I have this run in R so if I could input a suggested code that would be great.

This is for a paper I'm writing, and I would add the solver of this question to this publication. In the paper, I'm using the Weibull function to model a PCR reaction.

Here is the code for the exponential increasing instance:

  # first import the raw data:
  # I pull it from Excel

> CCrelative <- read.xlsx('CC relative fold increase.xlsx', 1)
> colnames(CCrelative) <- c("MolOffTarget", "x1", "x2")
> print(CCrelative)
   #here it is after the import

      MolOffTarget    x1    x2
    1      50001.0 8.474 8.372
    2       5001.0 7.795 7.617
    3        501.0 7.090 7.291
    4         56.0 6.258 4.803
    5          6.0 2.093 1.890
    6          1.5 0.911 0.679
    7          1.1 0.480 0.508

  #now set the minimum of each column to 0 by subtracting the lowest value from each
> CClog0 <- transform(CCrelative, x1 = (x1-(CCrelative[7,2])), x2=(x2-(CCrelative[7,3])))
      #now normalize to the maximum value 
> CClogT <- transform(CClog0, x1 = (x1/(CClog0[1,2])), x2=(x2/(CClog0[1,3])))
      # now make the first column log10 scale
> CClogT <- transform(CClogT, MolOffTarget = log10(MolOffTarget))
      #now merge columns x1 and x2 into a new data frame
> CClogT2 <- data.frame(rep(CClogT$MolOffTarget, 2), c(CClogT$x1,CClogT$x2))
> colnames(CClogT2) <- c("MolOffTarget", "FAM")
> CClogT2.W2.2 <- drm(FAM ~ MolOffTarget, data = CClogT2, fct = W2.2())

Here is the code for the exponential decay:

> CCvicRelative <- read.xlsx('CCvicRelative fold increase.xlsx', 1)
> colnames(CCvicRelative) <- c("MolOffTarget", "x1", "x2")
> print(CCvicRelative)

  MolOffTarget     x1     x2
1      50001.0 -0.717 -0.706
2       5001.0 -0.565 -0.567
3        501.0 -0.360 -0.349
4         56.0 -0.001  0.584
5          6.0  1.568  1.582
6          1.5  1.767  1.822
7          1.1  1.802  1.844
      #now set the minimum of each column to 0 by subtracting the lowest value from each
> CCvic0 <- transform(CCvicRelative, x1 = (x1-(CCvicRelative[1,2])), x2=(x2-(CCvicRelative[1,3])))
      #now normalize to the maximum value 
> CCvicT <- transform(CCvic0, x1 = (x1/(CCvic0[7,2])), x2=(x2/(CCvic0[7,3])))
      # now make the first column log10 scale
> CCvicTlog <- transform(CCvicT, MolOffTarget = log10(MolOffTarget))
      #now merge columns x1 and x2 into a new data frame
> CCvicT2 <- data.frame(rep(CCvicTlog$MolOffTarget, 2), c(CCvicTlog$x1,CCvicTlog$x2))
> colnames(CCvicT2) <- c("MolOffTarget", "VIC")
> CCvicT2.W2.2 <- drm(VIC ~ MolOffTarget, data = CCvicT2, fct = W2.2())

Apologies it's coming up a bit funny on this HTML.

It took me a bit to get used to this package. I was using Bioconductor packages before.

I made a mistake with the Weibull function earlier. The correct one is now present.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ This is either algebra or numeric root finding. Either you find the analytic/symbolic expression, or you find $ f_1(x) - f_2(x)=0$. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 6, 2013 at 22:00
  • $\begingroup$ If you could add a code-example of how you calculate the b's and e's with the drc package, I could help you writing the bootstrap function with R (with boot). $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 6, 2013 at 23:15
  • $\begingroup$ I could email you the code COOLSerdash $\endgroup$
    – BST
    Commented Jul 6, 2013 at 23:16
  • $\begingroup$ The code is a bit long, but posting it would be better for others to look at $\endgroup$
    – BST
    Commented Jul 6, 2013 at 23:17
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @BST Avoid using the term 'intercept' for both the $b$ and $e$ parameters; it's very confusing. Oh and you can't type returns in comments. $\endgroup$
    – Glen_b
    Commented Jul 7, 2013 at 2:11

1 Answer 1


The intersection point

The intersection point $x^{*}$ of the two functions $f_{1}(x)$ and $f_{2}(x)$ with parameters $b_{1}, e_{1}$ and $b_{2}, e_{2}$ is given by: $$ x^{*}=\exp\left[(b_{1}\log(e_{1})-b_{2}\log(e_{2}))/(b_{1}-b_{2})\right] $$

Here is a small R script depicting your example:

# The parameters

b1 <- -2.226194
e1 <- 1.209326

b2 <- 1.616248
e2 <- 1.837511

# Setting up a plot

x <- seq(0, 5, by=.01)

f <- function(x,e, b){
  1-exp(-exp(b*(log(x) - log(e))))

par(bg="white", cex=1.2)
plot(f(x, e1, b1)~x, type="l", ylim=c(0, 1),
las=1, lwd=2, ylab="Function value")
lines(f(x, e2, b2)~x, col="steelblue", lwd=2)

# Calculate the intersection point

x.meet <- exp((b1*log(e1)-b2*log(e2))/(b1-b2))
[1] 1.442003

# Check if the intersection point corresponds with the graphic

axis(side=1, at=x.meet, label=round(x.meet,2),
font=3, col.axis="purple")
f(x.meet, e1, b1)
[1] 0.49129
f(x.meet, e2, b2)
[1] 0.49129


Confidence intervals

Here is the code I've come up with to perform the non-parametric bootstrap in R(note: I have copied your data into csv-files):

# Load packages


# Load data and prepare them

path <- "F:/" # change path according to your system

CCrelative <- read.table(paste(path, "CC relative fold increase.csv", sep=""), header=T, sep=";")

CClog0 <- transform(CCrelative, x1 = (x1-(CCrelative[7,2])), x2=(x2-(CCrelative[7,3])))
CClogT <- transform(CClog0, x1 = (x1/(CClog0[1,2])), x2=(x2/(CClog0[1,3])))
CClogT <- transform(CClogT, MolOffTarget = log10(MolOffTarget))

CClogT2 <- data.frame(rep(CClogT$MolOffTarget, 2), c(CClogT$x1,CClogT$x2))

colnames(CClogT2) <- c("MolOffTarget", "FAM")
CClogT2.W2.2 <- drm(FAM ~ MolOffTarget, data = CClogT2, fct = W2.2())

CCvicRelative <-read.table(paste(path, "CCvicRelative fold increase.csv", sep=""), header=T, sep=";")

#now set the minimum of each column to 0 by subtracting the lowest value from each

CCvic0 <- transform(CCvicRelative, x1 = (x1-(CCvicRelative[1,2])), x2=(x2-(CCvicRelative[1,3])))

#now normalize to the maximum value 
CCvicT <- transform(CCvic0, x1 = (x1/(CCvic0[7,2])), x2=(x2/(CCvic0[7,3])))

# now make the first column log10 scale
CCvicTlog <- transform(CCvicT, MolOffTarget = log10(MolOffTarget))

#now merge columns x1 and x2 into a new data frame
CCvicT2 <- data.frame(rep(CCvicTlog$MolOffTarget, 2), c(CCvicTlog$x1,CCvicTlog$x2))
colnames(CCvicT2) <- c("MolOffTarget", "VIC")
CCvicT2.W2.2 <- drm(VIC ~ MolOffTarget, data = CCvicT2, fct = W2.2())

# Combine the data into one data frame

combined.data <- data.frame(
  MolOffTarget=c(CClogT2$MolOffTarget, CCvicT2$MolOffTarget),
  values=c(CClogT2$FAM, CCvicT2$VIC), 
  ind=c(rep("FAM", 14), rep("VIC", 14)))

# The bootstrap function

intersection_boot_fun <- function(data, indices) {

  data.temp <- data[indices,]

  fitFAM <- drm(data.temp$values[data.temp$ind=="FAM"] ~ data.temp$MolOffTarget[data.temp$ind=="FAM"] ,  fct = W2.2())
  fitVIC <- drm(data.temp$values[data.temp$ind=="VIC"] ~ data.temp$MolOffTarget[data.temp$ind=="VIC"] ,  fct = W2.2())

  coefFAM <- coef(fitFAM)
  coefVIC <- coef(fitVIC)

  b1 <- as.numeric(coefFAM[1])
  e1 <- as.numeric(coefFAM[2])

  b2 <- as.numeric(coefVIC[1])
  e2 <- as.numeric(coefVIC[2])

  x.intersect <- exp((b1*log(e1)-b2*log(e2))/(b1-b2))



# Bootstrapping and inspecting the results

results <- boot(data=combined.data, statistic=intersection_boot_fun, R=50000, strata=combined.data$ind)


Bootstrap Statistics :
    original     bias    std. error
t1* 1.442003 0.03151577   0.1268457

#jack.after.boot(results) # influential observations


# BCa confidence intervals

boot.ci(results, conf=c(0.95, 0.99), type="bca")

Intervals : 
Level       BCa          
95%   ( 1.303,  1.708 )   
99%   ( 1.258,  1.844 )

The output of the bootstrap gives the original estimate, which is about 1.44 in this case. It also gives the bias, which is the difference between the mean of the bootstrap samples (which is about 1.474 in this case) and the original estimate. Technical note: The bootstrapped samples are stored in results$t and the mean could be calculated by mean(results$t). The standard deviation of the bootstrap samples is also provided, it is about 0.13. The bootstrap bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) gives a 95%-CI from 1.30 to 1.71. We can't use a normal approximation to calculate the confidence interval, as the bootstrap samples are clearly not normal:

Bootstrap diagnostics

  • $\begingroup$ I need to run the scripts, but this looks good. I learned alot from this. I'm charting a bit of new territory here. In a typical dose response one looks at 1/2 the maximum values, the so called effective dose 50%, or ED50. This situation is special in that both things we measure VIC and FAM fluorescence are linked biologically, so I think it is more valid to measure where the two lines cross. Incidentally, the ED50 of each of the lines are: 26.66 and 29.15. Hmmm when I enter the log10 values of these x values, which is how it was plotted in my graphs, I'm not getting the same value $\endgroup$
    – BST
    Commented Jul 7, 2013 at 18:41
  • $\begingroup$ The value of the log10(x) of the ED50's should be 0.5. I need to revisit what the equation for a two parameter type 2 Weibull is. In the package notes its described as the equation above... Some more sleuthing is needed. $\endgroup$
    – BST
    Commented Jul 7, 2013 at 18:42
  • $\begingroup$ @BST I only know the situation where you estimate the ED50 or LD50 via logistic regression (e.g. here or the documentation of drm). In any case, keep us updated about your progress, maybe I can help further. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 7, 2013 at 19:15
  • $\begingroup$ I'll look for the equation and see if I can recapitulate what you did here COOLSerdash. If the answer is 29.75, I think it might not work as I thought previously. I was thinking it might be smaller... $\endgroup$
    – BST
    Commented Jul 7, 2013 at 19:40
  • $\begingroup$ The more I look at this the more it looks correct. I can't get the first function to work though. Something is amiss when I enter my values. The first equation is actually this: {f <- function(x,e,b){1-exp(-exp(b*(log(x)-log(e))))}} $\endgroup$
    – BST
    Commented Jul 7, 2013 at 20:03

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