I came across the result that, for the concept class of linear predictors where the weight vector has zero-norm $k$, I am able to shatter logarithmically many points with respect to the class where $k=1$
I'm just having a lot of trouble visualizing this and trying to prove it, and have tried many different configurations of logarithmically many points to no avail. the weight vector here, with 0-norm of $1$, means that when we assign it for a given classifier, we can choose only one axis to 'activate'. I have tried arranging $\log d$ points such that they all fall on different axes, but then, with a single $w$, you are unable to achieve the labeling where, say, two points belong to the class $+1$, as, for any $i$, both points won't have a nonzero $i$-th component and hence can't both be activated by the same $w$.
I would be very much appreciative if anyone could help me determine the correct configuration of these points.