What aspects do I need to consider when plotting a smooth curve with the LOESS method (geom_smooth) using predicted means from a linear mixed model? My data consists of longitudinal psychological scale scores across 12 timepoints. I treated the timepoints as 12 separate levels of a factor.
I hope to show how psychological symptoms fluctuate during a period. In my data, for example, using the smooth curve (LOESS), one type of these symptoms reduced, but another initially decreased and posteriorly increased. Furthermore, I hope to handle the missing data. When I ran a smooth considering all data, the confidence intervals were very high, seem an imprecise model due to my considerable missing data. I used LOESS due to a low number of observations since I considered the predicted means from LMM of each time point (the time points were treated as factor levels). Would be very important to my data analysis the graphical representation of these symptoms.
in your model: did you treat them as 12 separate levels of a factor, or did you model time as some continuous function, for example as a regression spline? Please provide that information by editing the question, as comments are easy to overlook and can be deleted. $\endgroup$