
Suppose I have a simple dataset of numerous observations, each with a continuous numerical variable $x$ and a binary numerical variable $y$ (with values 0 for unsatisfactory, 1 for satisfactory).

How can I predict how many of many of my observations would satisfy $y=1$ when the average $x$ in my dataset increases, say by 50%?

I was thinking of starting with a logistic regression model, but I'm not sure how to proceed.

Any guidance would be much appreciated.

  • $\begingroup$ Hi @ezrarusk, what do you mean by "I'm not sure how to proceed?". Are you using a specific software/language (R, Pythom, SAS)? $\endgroup$
    – lulufofo
    Commented Mar 27 at 6:34
  • $\begingroup$ @lulufofo I'm using R $\endgroup$
    – ezrarusk
    Commented Mar 30 at 20:07

1 Answer 1


You can fit a model and use it to predict the probability of any given instance to be $1$, conditional on your predictor value.

As you write, one possible model is a logistic regression.

Note that the effect of increasing the predictor by 50%, or by any other increment, will depend on what you increase the value from. Here is some R code that illustrates this (note the type="response" part in the predict()s that ensure we gat probability predictions):

xx <- runif(100)
prob <- 1/(1+exp(-(xx+0.5)^2-2*(xx-0.5)))
obs <- runif(length(xx))<prob

model <- glm(obs~xx,family="binomial")

xx_plot <- seq(min(xx),max(xx),by=0.01)

# 0.7800048 0.9282456
# 0.3869597 0.4928357

If you can now assume that your instances are independent, you can calculate the expected number of $y=1$ for each predictor value. Or use the binomial distribution to get a handle on the entire distribution of the number of $1$s for a constant predictor value, or possibly generalizations of the binomial for different probabilities coming from different predictor values.


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