Say I did a survey of 100 people asking if they eat vegetables daily. Out of my sample population, 60 say they do, 40 say they don't. Now, I also have the breakdown of males and females. Say in the 60 who eat veggies daily, 45 are females and 15 are males. In the 40 who don't eat veggies daily, 15 are females and 25 are males.
Now, my initial study didn't control for gender but I now want to see if gender has any effect on whether they eat veggies daily or not.
Can I use Chi-Squared/Fischer's exact test with [45,15;15,25] as my contigency table? Or would I need to use a McNemar's Test and do paired matching?
Also if i did chi-squared would this be considered a "Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test" or a "Chi-Square Test of Independence"?