I am trying to implement quantile regression with sampling weights in R for my analysis. I know in lm()
and glm()
in R, standard errors, and hence confidence intervals, would not be estimated accurately with the option “weights =” since it assumes precision weights, and the survey package should be used instead. However, I cannot understand from the documentation whether that applies to rq()
command for quantile regression as well, so whether the option “weights=” in rq()
assumes precision weights only. Does anyone know?
I only found one resource applying quantile regression in R for survey data: the paper “Estimation of regression quantiles in complex surveys with data missing at random: An application to birthweight determinants”. It uses the following code :
mydesign <- svydesign(ids=~mycluster, strata=~mystrata, fpc=~myfpc,
data=mydata, nest=TRUE, weights=~myweights)
bootdesign <- as.svrepdesign(mydesign, type="bootstrap", replicates=100)
fit <- withReplicates(bootdesign, quote(coef(rq(y ~ x, tau=0.5, weights=.weights,
The resulting fitted object fit contains the estimated regression coefficients and their bootstrap variances. This object can be then passed to the following custom-defined function to produce a summary table, including p values:
format.rq.svy <- function(x, rdf) {
V <- attr(x, "var")
FLAG <- length(V) == 1
se <- if (FLAG) sqrt(V) else sqrt(diag(V))
val <- cbind(as.matrix(x), se, NA, NA)
if (FLAG) val <- matrix(val, nrow=1)
val[, 3] <- val[, 1]/val[, 2]
val[, 4] <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(val[, 3]), rdf))
colnames(val) <- c("Value", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")
rownames(val) <- names(x)
where the argument "rdf" specifies the residual degrees of freedom (i.e. n - q) for approximate p value calculation using t-distributions.
I am not sure how to specify the residual degrees of freedom. Is there a way to understand how many I should specify?