I'm currently working on a large-scale time series framework at my job and encountering some frustration when it comes to XGBoost/Random Forest. The goal of this effort is to be able to forecast 18 months in the future, therefore necessitating the addition of recursive forecasting, as I will be doing more than a point forecast.
Unfortunately, even with Optuna, I'm struggling quite a bit to produce long horizon forecasts that are good, even plausible, as the data becomes more and more noisy as you traverse the horizon. I wanted to use this forum as a place to discuss some potential improvements that I could add. I'm tuning the amount of lags to use for autoregression, and also only using the target quantity as the response, no other exogenous or endogenous regressors. Is this something where unfortunately recursive forecasting is necessary or is there a different approach?
I should also include that this framework is responsible for forecasting 20,000 different items, and typical workarounds must be discarded in consideration of computational safety.