I have the following analysis: I ran a MANOVA with two DVs (both empathy scales) and an IV (gender). Now the $p$-value (.03) tells me that there is a significant difference between men and women. However, I do not know which is higher on which variable. When I then look at the ANOVA table (given with SPSS) output, it tells me that there is no significant difference (all $p$-values larger than .05). How do I interpret this? Had men and women score differently or not?
Also, my supervisor asked me to look at the means, however they are only different by maybe one point, so I cannot see there which one should be larger (and the MANOVA only tells me the joint effect of the two DVs together).
When I ran a t-test to have a look at the individual means, they were also non-significant. I am a bit lost what to do with this and would highly appreciate some help in regards how to put this interpretation into words.