I'm deeply failing to understand the first step in the ELBO derivation in VAEs.
When asking my questions I'll also try to clearly state my assumptions and perhaps some of them are wrong to begin with:
In VAEs our encoder learns to approximate the conditional distribution $q_\phi (z | x)$. This distribution (which is forced to be a gaussian if I'm understanding correctly) represents the distribution of possible $z$ values under a given data point $x$.
- Question 1:
In the ELBO derivation, we have a decoder parameterized by $\theta$, and we suggest that.
$log p_\theta(x) = \mathbb{E}_{q_\phi(z|x)}[logp_\theta(x)]$
Im not sure if my question makes sense but I don't understand why the above equation is valid. Why is the expectation of $x$ with respect to the conditional distribution $q_\phi (z | x)$, which again means under a specific $x$ value yields the distribution of all $x$ values over all possible data points
I understand that given we know $q_\phi (z | x)$, or again, the distribution of $z$ values under a known $x$ value, we can feed them to our decoder and get a distribution of $x$ values, but shouldn't this be the distribution of $x$ under a certain z value (the one sampled from the conditional distribution outputted by the encoder)? and not over all possible x values?
- Question 2:
By forcing the encoder to output $\mu$ and $\Sigma$ values for the conditional distribution $q_\phi(z | x)$ we are basically defining it as a gaussian.
I am unsure however why does this mean that the prior distribtion $p_\theta(z)$ is necessarily a gaussian as well. doesn't this depend on the distribution of $x$?