I am constructing correlated random variables according to the equations given in in this post: How does the formula for generating correlated random variables work?
I understand this equation, although what I don't understand is if I run a bunch of simulations where I calculate the correlation numerically between $Y$ and $X_1$ and calculate the mean of this correlation, it seems to be systematically reduced as compared to the true value $\rho$. It seems, specifically, that there needs to be a "correction factor" to the mean of the correlation of $(N+1)/N$, where $N$ is the number of sampled values. This was just found as a guess, it could also be wrong but seems to fit. Here's the python code to reproduce this issue:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind
N = 50000
Npoints_list = [2, 100]
corr_values = [0.5]
list_of_ab = []
list_of_cd = []
rand_b_list = [1.0]
std_scale_factor = 1
C = 0
delta = 0
for Npoints in Npoints_list:
corr_values_ac = []
for Delta in rand_b_list:
list_of_ab = []
list_of_cd = []
for corr in corr_values:
p_values_ab = []
p_values_cd = []
for ii in range(N):
a = (np.random.randn((Npoints))*std_scale_factor+C)
c =corr*a+np.sqrt(1-corr**2)*(C*(1-corr)/np.sqrt(1-corr**2)+np.random.randn((Npoints))*std_scale_factor)
corr_ac = np.corrcoef(a,c)
print(f'mean of corr of ac for {Npoints} points is {np.mean(corr_values_ac)}')
print(f'mean of corr of ac for {Npoints} points after correction is {np.mean(corr_values_ac)*(Npoints+1)/Npoints}')