I am running cross-sectional regressions of the type
$$Y_c = \alpha + \beta X_1 + \gamma X_2 + \delta_1 X_3 + \delta_2 X_1 X_3 + \delta_3 X_2 X_3 + e_c.$$
My theoretical model implies that
- $\delta_2$ should be negative,
- $\delta_3$ should be positive, and
- the marginal effect of $X_3$ should be negative.
My estimates imply that
- $\widehat\delta_2$ is negative and significant,
- $\widehat\delta_3$ is positive and insignificant,
- $\widehat\beta$ is significant, and
- $\widehat\gamma$ is insignificant.
Building on this evidence, can I calculate the marginal effect of $X_3$ as $\delta_1 + \delta_2 E(X_1)$ where $E(X_1)$ is the mean of $X_1$, justifying this procedure with the fact that all the terms incorporating $X_2$ are insignificant?