
I'm trying to build a binary 1/0 ML classification algorithm, and was thinking about how to set up the input dataset. If the event I want to predict (the 1's) occur relatively less frequently in the total data than the 0's, does it makes sense to pare the dataset in such a way to get a more equal distribution of 1's and 0's? Would that be falsely representing the data to the algorithm? What are the disadvantages to doing so?

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ You can do that, but it would be better if you didn't have to throw away data. I imagine the reason this question came up is that you're optimizing your solution for accuracy, but the classes are skewed enough that a high-accuracy algorithm has really poor recall. I would recommend optimizing for something other than accuracy (like minimizing a weighted sum of false negatives and false positives, more heavily weighting the false negatives). $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 24, 2013 at 0:30

1 Answer 1


Define an accuracy metric that reasonably models how you want your algorithm to perform.

Once you have a metric in hand you can cross-validate this question and see if it is an improves the performance.

Some common accuracy metrics that model the problem different: Normalized mutual information, Gini on the labels argsorted by the probabilities, Precision, Recall, AUC.

If the classes are extremely unbalanced and FN are crucial, you'll see an improvement.


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