We calculate a Bayesian model and only expect positive values for our parameters. Our prior is however a uniform prior—we get negative samples from MCMC.
For Bayes-factor calculations we use the Savage-Dickey density ratio. In order to account for the restriction to positive values, we normalize the positive area of prior and posterior distribution so they each have an area of one and calculate the density ratio.
Question: what does this mean for our credible interval? At the moment we use the interval calculated by JAGS. But JAGS doesn't know about our restriction.
I suppose the credible interval changes when discarding all negative samples? How should we calculate the correct credible interval? Thanks a lot!
In the Bayesian framework, order-restrictions can be implemented in several ways (...). For instance, order-restrictions can be enforced before MCMC sampling, by appropriately constraining the prior distributions, or they can be implemented after the MCMC sampling, by retaining only those MCMC samples that obey the order-restriction (...).
It would like to do the latter because it seem easier. $\endgroup$