I think that the accepted answer can be dangerously misleading (-1). There are at least four different questions mixed together in the OP. I will consider them one after another.
- Q1. How much of the variance of a given PC is explained by a given original variable? How much of the variance of a given original variable is explained by a given PC?
These two questions are equivalent and the answer is given by the square $r^2$ of the correlation coefficient between the variable and the PC. If PCA is done on the correlations, then the correlation coefficient $r$ is given (see here) by the corresponding element of the loadings. PC $i$ is associated with an eigenvector $\mathbf V_i$ of the correlation matrix and the corresponding eigenvalue $s_i$. A loadings vector $\mathbf L_i$ is given by $\mathbf L_i = (s_i)^{1/2} \mathbf V_i$. Its elements are correlations of this PC with the respective original variables.
Note that eigenvectors $\mathbf V_i$ and loadings $\mathbf L_i$ are two different things! In R, eigenvectors are confusingly called "loadings"; one should be careful: their elements are not the desired correlations. [The currently accepted answer in this thread confuses the two.]
In addition, if PCA is done on covariances (and not on correlations), then loadings will also give you covariances, not correlations. To obtain correlations, one needs to compute them manually, following PCA. [The currently accepted answer is unclear about that.]
- Q2. How much of the variance of a given original variable is explained by a given subset of PCs? How to select this subset to explain e.g. $80\%$ of the variance?
Because PCs are orthogonal (i.e. uncorrelated), one can simply add up individual $r^2$ values (see Q1) to get the global $R^2$ value.
To select a subset, one can add PCs with the highest correlations ($r^2$) with a given original variable until the desired amount of explained variance ($R^2$) is reached.
- Q3. How much of the variance of a given PC is explained by a given subset of original variables? How to select this subset to explain e.g. $80\%$ of the variance?
An answer to this question is not automatically given by PCA! E.g. if all original variables are very strongly inter-correlated with pairwise $r=0.9$, then correlations between the first PC and all the variables will be around $r=0.9$. One cannot add these $r^2$ numbers to compute the proportion of variance of this PC explained by, say, five original variables (this would result in a nonsensical result $R^2 = 0.9\cdot0.9\cdot5>1$). Instead, one would need to regress this PC on these variables and obtain the multiple $R^2$ value.
How to select a subset explaining given amount of variance, was suggested by @FrankHarrell (+1).