Lets say that I have "y" that I want to model with linear regression. "x" and "z" are the things I'm interrested in showing folks, but I also have things that I want to adjust for, but not really show in my plot.
Now, I would like to show my coefficients in a plot, but I would like to keep the things I adjusted for out of it. So perhaps this could be coronary artery calcification modeled as "CAC ~ SomeBloodStuff + Bloodpressure + BMI + Smoking_status". The BMI and Smoking_status would be something that I would want to take into account, but just note that I have adjusted for them.
I gather this is how to do the model:
MyModel <- lm( CAC ~ SomeBloodstuff + BP + BMI + Smoking_status, data=MyData)
confint(MyModel, level=0.95) # Seems like a legit model.
The coefplot function in arm library gives just the sort of presentation that I want, but shows all the dimensions.
How could I leave those few variables out of the plot while keeping them in the regression and get a plot that looks like what the coefplot produces?