There is an urn with a set of balls where each ball is labeled with a different integer. The numbers on the balls are known and are not a range of integers. For example the set of balls could be $B_k$ = {1,4,67,3,12}. There are two robots, $A$ and $B$, which draw a set of $n$ balls with replacement. Let $a_i$ represent the set of number values on the balls drawn for robot $A$ where $i$ indexes the $n_a$ draws. $b_i$ and $n_b$ are analogously defined for $B$. The robots have some information about why they draw each ball and how many they will draw which we know nothing about except that the method for decision is similar between $A$ and $B$. Robots $A$ and $B$ draw sets of balls for $N_a$ and $N_b$ rounds where $N_a \approx N_b \approx 10^6$. Let $j$ index the rounds, so $n_{aj}$ balls are drawn each round and the ball numbers are recorded in $a_{ij}$ for $A$. $n_{bj}$ and $b_{ij}$ are defined analogously for $B$. The objective is to choose which robot is expected to be the optimal choice for a new sampling $x_{ij}$ where optimal maximizes the sum over all balls, $\Sigma_j \Sigma_i x_{ij}$. Simply put, which robot would you expect to draw the highest sum of ball numbers in the next million rounds?
Since we have $a_{ij}$ and $b_{ij}$ we can say a bit about their distributions. The samples drawn on each round $a_i$ and $b_i$ have 0 balls drawn about 95% of the time. The second most common number of balls drawn per round is 1 and then 2 and 3 and so on so that a histogram balls per round, $n_j$, is monotonically decreasing.
Some rounds have multiple draws of a highly numbered ball which leads to outliers in the distribution of sum per round, $\Sigma_i a_{ij}$. This means that the sum of ball values per round is very hard to model analytically. There could be more information I am not thinking of using since this is a vast simplification of the real problem so please ask.
The standard solution given to me is to make the decision based on the mean and the standard error on mean for the sum of the balls in each round. Define: $\mu_a = \Sigma_j \Sigma_i a_{ij} / N_a = mean_j(\Sigma_i a_{ij} )$ and $ \sigma_{\mu_a} = \sqrt{var_j(\Sigma_i a_{ij} )/ N_a}$. The decision and confidence of that decision is calculated by comparing gausians $\mathcal{N}(\mu_a,\,\sigma^2_{\mu_a} ) $ and $\mathcal{N}(\mu_a,\,\sigma^2_{\mu_a} )$.
The motivation for this choice over $\mu^*_a = \Sigma_j \Sigma_i a_ij / \Sigma_j n_{aj}$ is that the probability for a second ball to be drawn in a round given that one already has ($\approx 0.2$) is much higher than the probability the first ball is drawn ($\approx 0.05$). This smells of Bayesian motivation but I am unable to do the derivation showing $\mu$ to be the empirical Bayes estimator.
Is the mean $\mu_a = \Sigma_j \Sigma_i a_ij / N_a$ really the best estimator and why? What about the sensitivity to outliers? Why not the mean over all the balls drawn, $\mu^*_a = \Sigma_j \Sigma_i a_ij / \Sigma_j n_{aj}$, which is less sensitive to outliers? It seems a lot of information is lost by not using the knowledge of the set $B_k$ so is something more Baysian advisable?