I have 2 correlation matrices $A$ and $B$ (using the Pearson's linear correlation coefficient through Matlab's corrcoef()). I would like to quantify how much "more correlation" $A$ contains compared to $B$. Is there any standard metric or test for that?
E.g. the correlation matrix
contains "more correlation" than
I am aware of the Box’s M Test, which is used to determine whether two or more covariance matrices are equal (and can be used for correlation matrices as well since the latter are the same as the covariance matrices of standardized random variables).
Right now I am comparing $A$ and $B$ via the mean of the absolute values of their non-diagonal elements, i.e. $\frac{2}{n^2-n}\sum_{1 \leq i < j \leq n } \left | x_{i, j} \right |$. (I use the symmetry of the correlation matrix in this formula). I guess that there might be some cleverer metrics.
Following Andy W's comment on the matrix determinant, I ran an experiment to compare the metrics:
- Mean of the absolute values of their non-diagonal elements: $\text{metric}_\text{mean}()$
- Matrix determinant: $\text{metric}_\text{determinant}()$:
Let $A$ and $B$ two random symmetric matrix with ones on the diagonal of dimension $10 \times 10$. The upper triangle (diagonal excluded) of $A$ is populated with random floats from 0 to 1. The upper triangle (diagonal excluded) of $B$ is populated with random floats from 0 to 0.9. I generate 10000 such matrices and do some counting:
- $\text{metric}_\text{mean}(B) \leq \text{metric}_\text{mean}(A) $ 80.75% of the time
- $\text{metric}_\text{determinant}(B) \leq \text{metric}_\text{determinant}(A)$ 63.01% of the time
Given the result I would tend to think that $\text{metric}_\text{mean}(B)$ is a better metric.
Matlab code:
function [ ] = correlation_metric( )
%CORRELATION_METRIC Test some metric for
% http://stats.stackexchange.com/q/110416/12359 :
% I have 2 correlation matrices A and B (using the Pearson's linear
% correlation coefficient through Matlab's corrcoef()).
% I would like to quantify how much "more correlation"
% A contains compared to B. Is there any standard metric or test for that?
% Experiments' parameters
runs = 10000;
matrix_dimension = 10;
%% Experiment 1
results = zeros(runs, 3);
for i=1:runs
dimension = matrix_dimension;
M = generate_random_symmetric_matrix( dimension, 0.0, 1.0 );
results(i, 1) = abs(det(M));
% results(i, 2) = mean(triu(M, 1));
results(i, 2) = mean2(M);
% results(i, 3) = results(i, 2) < results(i, 2) ;
mean(results(:, 1))
mean(results(:, 2))
%% Experiment 2
results = zeros(runs, 6);
for i=1:runs
dimension = matrix_dimension;
M = generate_random_symmetric_matrix( dimension, 0.0, 1.0 );
results(i, 1) = abs(det(M));
results(i, 2) = mean2(M);
M = generate_random_symmetric_matrix( dimension, 0.0, 0.9 );
results(i, 3) = abs(det(M));
results(i, 4) = mean2(M);
results(i, 5) = results(i, 1) > results(i, 3);
results(i, 6) = results(i, 2) > results(i, 4);
mean(results(:, 5))
mean(results(:, 6))
boxplot(results(:, 1))
boxplot(results(:, 2))
function [ random_symmetric_matrix ] = generate_random_symmetric_matrix( dimension, minimum, maximum )
% Based on http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/123643-how-to-create-a-symmetric-random-matrix
d = ones(dimension, 1); %rand(dimension,1); % The diagonal values
t = triu((maximum-minimum)*rand(dimension)+minimum,1); % The upper trianglar random values
random_symmetric_matrix = diag(d)+t+t.'; % Put them together in a symmetric matrix
Example of a generated $10 \times 10$ random symmetric matrix with ones on the diagonal:
>> random_symmetric_matrix
random_symmetric_matrix =
1.0000 0.3984 0.1375 0.4372 0.2909 0.6172 0.2105 0.1737 0.2271 0.2219
0.3984 1.0000 0.3836 0.1954 0.5077 0.4233 0.0936 0.2957 0.5256 0.6622
0.1375 0.3836 1.0000 0.1517 0.9585 0.8102 0.6078 0.8669 0.5290 0.7665
0.4372 0.1954 0.1517 1.0000 0.9531 0.2349 0.6232 0.6684 0.8945 0.2290
0.2909 0.5077 0.9585 0.9531 1.0000 0.3058 0.0330 0.0174 0.9649 0.5313
0.6172 0.4233 0.8102 0.2349 0.3058 1.0000 0.7483 0.2014 0.2164 0.2079
0.2105 0.0936 0.6078 0.6232 0.0330 0.7483 1.0000 0.5814 0.8470 0.6858
0.1737 0.2957 0.8669 0.6684 0.0174 0.2014 0.5814 1.0000 0.9223 0.0760
0.2271 0.5256 0.5290 0.8945 0.9649 0.2164 0.8470 0.9223 1.0000 0.5758
0.2219 0.6622 0.7665 0.2290 0.5313 0.2079 0.6858 0.0760 0.5758 1.0000