I am going to be hosting a number (~10) of potluck meals over the course of the summer, my pool of people to invite is about 40 people with about 10-15 coming to each meal. So I figure this would be a good opportunity to record data over time about the meals/people. The issue I am having is I am not sure what information to keep track of and what format to record it in.
Here are some examples of trends I think would be interesting:
- How many meals I have invited people to
- On average which round of invites did people get invited to (some people rsvp as no in the beginning and so there is another 'round' of invites)
- How many meals people have attended
- What items people have brought
I have started a spreadsheet where each page is a meal, the first few columns of the page represent different rounds of invites, I input a persons name in the column that corresponds to the round of their invite. The last two columns are the ultimate rsvp from any round of invitation and the item brought if applicable.
To summarize I am looking for an efficient and concise way of recording the data associated with these meals for the trends mentioned. Additionally I am looking for other trends I can keep track of, I am doing a lot of this communication via email so timestamps would potentially be available for other interesting trends.
Help with good tags for this question would be appreciated.