I have time-series count data $N_{i,j}$ (population sizes in site $i$ and year $j$) and I want to correlate year-to-year changes with the environmental conditions $x_{i,j}$. For this, I am fitting this model:
$$\begin{eqnarray} \mbox{log} ( \mu_{i,j+1} ) &=& \mbox{log} ( \mu_{i,j} ) + \alpha + \beta x_{i,j} + \gamma_j + \epsilon_{i,j} \\ \\ N_{i,j} &\sim& \mbox{Poiss} ( \mu_{i,j} ) \\ \gamma_{j} &\sim& \mbox{Norm} (0, \sigma ) \\ \epsilon_{i,j} &\sim& \mbox{Norm} (0, \theta ) \end{eqnarray} $$
So I'm interested in parameter $\beta$, the slope of the relationship. $\gamma_{j}$ is the random effect for year (as the residuals within single year were correlated) and $\epsilon_{i,j}$ is an overdispersion term.
The problem is in the year specific random effect $\gamma_{j}$. I think I have to use it, because the residuals are significantly explained by year. But, also the environmental conditions $x_{i,j}$ (climate conditions) are very much correlated within years! I.e. the climate in the same year is much more similar than accross years (as you would expect).
So the question is whether the introduced year-specific random effect $\gamma_{j}$ cannot "eat out" the variability that would be explained by the yearly variation of the climate (i.e. the term $\beta x_{i,j}$)? In case this problem occurs, the yearly variation of the climate would go to $\gamma_{j}$ instead of $\beta x_{i,j}$ and we could easily miss the significant relationship - i.e. the significant $\beta$ slope! Couldn't this happen? If yes, how to fit this model in such a way that the variability remains in $\beta x_{i,j}$ while at the same time the yearly autocorrelation in residuals is handled?