First, a few comments:
- As shown in the comment by whuber, the assertion that if $a<0$, then $F(x)/x$ cannot decrease on $[a,b]$ is false. I have no problem with the assertion that $F(x)/x$ cannot be constant.
- The CDF of a uniform random variable on [0,b] (with $b<\infty$) is given by $F(x)=\frac xb$. Thus, if $b$ is finite, then $b\cdot \frac{F(x)}x$ is the ratio of the CDFs you mention. Note, however, that $\frac{F(x)}x$ will be increasing/decreasing if and only if $b\cdot \frac{F(x)}x$ is increasing/decreasing. If $b=\infty$,
then there is no such thing as a uniform random variable on $[0,b)$,
hence your intuitive interpretation of the ratio can only make sense when $F$ is supported on a finite interval.
As for some sort of classification,
if you assume the variables you're considering have a density (i.e., $F$ is differentiable),
then coming up with a nice algebraic test to see if $F(x)/x$ increases/decreases shouldn't be too difficult:
Suppose that the density $f(x)=F'(x)$ exists.
According to the quotient rule for differentiation,
one has
Given that a differentiable function $g$ is increasing on $[a,b]$ if and only if $g'(x)\geq0$ for all $x\in[a,b]$ and decreasing if and only if $g'(x)\leq0$ for all $x\in [a,b]$,
then we obtain
On $[a,b]$, $F(x)/x$ is
increasing if and only if $f(x)x\geq F(x)$ for every $x\in[a,b]$;
decreasing if and only if $f(x)x\leq F(x)$ for every $x\in[a,b]$; and
constant if and only if $f(x)x=F(x)$ for every $x\in[a,b]$.
Maybe this does not offer an entirely satisfying classification,
but it seems like a good place to start.