I'm working on disease prevalence, something I've never done before, and I'm trying to weight a gam with population. It seems to me that the prevalence rate for China ought to count a bit more than Niue. I am fitting GAM models using the R packages mgcv
. BTW, for this disease, as far as we know now, everyone is at risk so it's not a prevalance ratio problem like with communicable diseases.
My problem is that logistic gam weights are counted as the $N$ while the response variable is then supposed to be counts. I really only have counts /million (which I can easily make proportions of course) derived from long term data collection and the data for some countries yield counts of only a couple / million when their populations are in thousands. Therefore, I can't turn it into the actual count and gam can't work out the model. The real $N$ that went into determining the numbers is not the population, since the data is collected and averaged over time, but they are highly correlated. So I still want to use it as a weight.
There's that problem and additionally that when I'm working out a model across 100 countries accounting for the bulk of the human population it seems that my CI's for the GAM should be rather small (nonexistent?). Therefore, I do need a way to get the population in there. Perhaps someone knows of a GAM package that can work with proportions rather than counts? I know there are some for generalized linear modelling but I need nonlinear.