I've a binary response (1 = event happen, 0 = otherwise) and 8 continuous predictors plus 1 categorical. Fitting in Minitab with a Binary Logistic Regression give me this output:
Binary Logistic Regression: Deformato versus A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Cavity
Link function Logit
Categorical predictor coding (-1, 0, +1)
Rows used 1440
Response Information
Variable Value Count
Deformato 1 203 (Event)
0 1237
Total 1440
Deviance Table
Source DF Adj Dev Adj Mean Chi-Square P-Value
Regression 11 49.11 4.4642 49.11 0.000
A 1 0.06 0.0607 0.06 0.805
B 1 0.81 0.8073 0.81 0.369
C 1 0.01 0.0067 0.01 0.935
D 1 6.40 6.4016 6.40 0.011
E 1 12.31 12.3116 12.31 0.000
F 1 3.53 3.5258 3.53 0.060
G 1 0.33 0.3267 0.33 0.568
H 1 1.93 1.9269 1.93 0.165
Cavity 3 24.30 8.0987 24.30 0.000
Error 1428 1122.26 0.7859
Total 1439 1171.37
Model Summary
Deviance Deviance
R-Sq R-Sq(adj) AIC
4.19% 3.25% 1146.26
Term Coef SE Coef VIF
Constant -1.9165 0.0834
A -0.0201 0.0817 1.00
B -0.0734 0.0817 1.00
C -0.0067 0.0817 1.00
D -0.2073 0.0824 1.00
E 0.2884 0.0831 1.00
F -0.1536 0.0820 1.00
G 0.0467 0.0817 1.00
H -0.1135 0.0819 1.00
1 -0.660 0.164 1.79
2 0.085 0.134 1.58
3 0.468 0.124 1.54
Odds Ratios for Continuous Predictors
Odds Ratio 95% CI
A 0.9801 (0.8351, 1.1502)
B 0.9292 (0.7917, 1.0907)
C 0.9933 (0.8464, 1.1657)
D 0.8128 (0.6916, 0.9552)
E 1.3343 (1.1338, 1.5703)
F 0.8576 (0.7302, 1.0072)
G 1.0478 (0.8928, 1.2297)
H 0.8927 (0.7604, 1.0481)
Odds Ratios for Categorical Predictors
Level A Level B Odds Ratio 95% CI
2 1 2.1046 (1.2849, 3.4474)
3 1 3.0872 (1.9218, 4.9594)
4 1 2.1530 (1.3162, 3.5218)
3 2 1.4669 (0.9869, 2.1802)
4 2 1.0230 (0.6736, 1.5536)
4 3 0.6974 (0.4700, 1.0347)
Odds ratio for level A relative to level B
Regression Equation
P(1) = exp(Y')/(1 + exp(Y'))
1 Y' = -2.576 - 0.02012 A - 0.07339 B - 0.006706 C - 0.2073 D + 0.2884 E - 0.1536 F
+ 0.04668 G - 0.1135 H
2 Y' = -1.832 - 0.02012 A - 0.07339 B - 0.006706 C - 0.2073 D + 0.2884 E - 0.1536 F
+ 0.04668 G - 0.1135 H
3 Y' = -1.449 - 0.02012 A - 0.07339 B - 0.006706 C - 0.2073 D + 0.2884 E - 0.1536 F
+ 0.04668 G - 0.1135 H
4 Y' = -1.809 - 0.02012 A - 0.07339 B - 0.006706 C - 0.2073 D + 0.2884 E - 0.1536 F
+ 0.04668 G - 0.1135 H
Goodness-of-Fit Tests
Test DF Chi-Square P-Value
Deviance 1428 1122.26 1.000
Pearson 1428 1457.86 0.285
Hosmer-Lemeshow 8 8.31 0.403
Of course the model sucks, but How can I calculate the probability of event (Y=1) based on the two significative factors D and E? Something like which is the probability of Y=1 if D=1 and E=1, and if D=-1 and E=1,ecc.?