I am trying to get a grasp on Cameron, Gelbach and Miller (2011) robust inference with multiway clustering. As I understand, bottom line is that ignoring clustering may result in standard errors severely underestimated, therefore, increasing considerably type-I error. They argue that applied researchers find this kind of situations very frequently and very (for example, children clustered in schools and all the data clustered in time).
So I decided to run some examples to understand the issues better and to get a sense on how big the problem would be. I am using R and the package multiwayvcov (http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/multiwayvcov/index.html) that implements the methods proposed by Cameron et al. (2011). Here's my code:
library(multiwayvcov) # multi-way clustering Cameron, Gelbach, Miller, 2011
# Some fake data with two clusters and one covariate x
df <- data.frame(cluster1 = sample(1:4, 1000, replace = TRUE),
cluster2 = sample(1:4, 1000, replace = TRUE),
x = 5*rnorm(1000))
# Dependent variable as a function of the covariate (x) and both clusters
df$y <- with(df, x + 0.5*cluster1 + 0.3*cluster2 + rnorm(1000))
# Linear model ignoring clustering
lm1 <- lm(y ~ x, data = df)
# Linear model including the clusters as regressors
lm2 <- lm(y ~ x + cluster1 + cluster2, data = df)
# Extract standard errors from both models, using the default standard errors
# and the multi-way cluster robust standard errors
# For lm1
sqrt(diag(cluster.vcov(lm1, df[ , c("cluster1", "cluster2")])))
# For lm2
sqrt(diag(cluster.vcov(lm2, df[ , c("cluster1", "cluster2")])))
And here the result:
> sqrt(diag(vcov(lm1)))
(Intercept) x
0.037401718 0.007624887
> sqrt(diag(cluster.vcov(lm1, df[ , c("cluster1", "cluster2")])))
(Intercept) x
0.388342350 0.005365563
> # For lm2
> sqrt(diag(vcov(lm2)))
(Intercept) x cluster1 cluster2
0.102379673 0.006331239 0.028197782 0.027870294
> sqrt(diag(cluster.vcov(lm2, df[ , c("cluster1", "cluster2")])))
(Intercept) x cluster1 cluster2
0.09875941 0.00439916 0.03468323 0.03039352
I am having trouble understanding these results; in particular, I am looking at the standard error of the covariate x: in both models it is smaller using the robust standard errors, and I expected exactly the opposite given that all the argument of the paper is that standard errors would be underestimated, had I ignored clustering. So, why these results show larger standard errors by ignoring clustering in the data?