In Alex Krizhevsky, et al. Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks they enumerate the number of neurons in each layer (see diagram below).
The network’s input is 150,528-dimensional, and the number of neurons in the network’s remaining layers is given by 253,440–186,624–64,896–64,896–43,264– 4096–4096–1000.
A 3D View
The number of neurons for all layers after the first is clear. One simple way to calculate the neurons is to simply multiply the three dimensions of that layer (planes X width X height
- Layer 2:
27x27x128 * 2 = 186,624
- Layer 3:
13x13x192 * 2 = 64,896
- etc.
However, looking at the first layer:
- Layer 1:
55x55x48 * 2 = 290400
Notice that this is not 253,440
as specified in the paper!
Calculate Output Size
The other way to calculate the output tensor of a convolution is:
If the input image is a 3D tensor
nInputPlane x height x width
, the output image size will benOutputPlane x owidth x oheight
owidth = (width - kW) / dW + 1
oheight = (height - kH) / dH + 1
(from Torch SpatialConvolution Documentation)
The input image is:
nInputPlane = 3
height = 224
width = 224
And the convolution layer is:
nOutputPlane = 96
kW = 11
kH = 11
dW = 4
dW = 4
(e.g. kernel size 11
, stride 4
Plugging in those numbers we get:
owidth = (224 - 11) / 4 + 1 = 54
oheight = (224 - 11) / 4 + 1 = 54
So we're one short of the 55x55
dimensions we need to match the paper. They might be padding (but the cuda-convnet2
model explicitly sets the padding to 0)
If we take the 54
-size dimensions we get 96x54x54 = 279,936
neurons - still too many.
So my question is this:
How do they get 253,440 neurons for the first convolutional layer? What am I missing?