I'm reading the article "Prior distributions for variance parameters in hierarchical models" by Andrew Gelman(link). This is an extract that I don't understand very well:
Posterior inferences can be evaluated using the concept of calibration of the posterior mean, the Bayesian analogue to the classical notion of “bias ”. For any parameter $\theta$, we label the posterior mean as $\hat{\theta}=E(\theta|y)$ and define the miscalibration of the posterior mean as $E(\theta|\hat{\theta},y)-\hat{\theta}$, for any value of $\hat{\theta}$.
Since I'm more familiar with frequentist statistics, I have some doubts about this.
Can I consider $\hat{\theta}$ as the true posterior mean?
What is exactly $E(\theta|\hat{\theta},y)$? The notation confuses me...can I consider it as the expected value of a estimator as in frequentist statistics?
Is the miscalibration of the posterior mean the same concept of bias of a bayesian estimator?
I've researched a bit in the internet but I've found out that the miscalibration of the posterior
mean doesn't seem to be a common concept in bayesian statistics.
Thank you