I have data from a Monte Carlo experiment that I was hoping to fit to a model of the form $$\log(x y) \approx \beta_0 + \beta_1 \log(z),$$ where I have many observations of triplets, $x, y, z$. This fit does a decent job, but when I look at the residuals of the fit versus $\log(z)$, there is a tell-tale bowl shape:
This suggests a fit of the form $$\log(x y) \approx \beta_0 + \beta_1 \log(z) + \beta_2 \left(\log(z)\right)^2,$$ I am not entirely opposed to such a fit, but my final goal is to state an equation that gives $x$ concisely in terms of $y$ and $z$. When I take the exponent of both sides of this fit, I get something really ugly: $$x = \frac{c_0 z^{c_1 + c_2 \log(z)}}{y}$$ This was not what I was hoping for.
Is there some trick that I can use to get out of this mess? Ideally I would have one less constant, or at least not have a $z^{\log{z}}$ term.
edit: There is a strong theoretical reason to favor a fit of this form, instead of putting $\log y$ on the right hand side and performing a 'full' fit. If you do that, the coefficient associated with $\log y$ is nearly -1 anyway (-0.9989), but if you do, you do not see this 'quadratic' artifact with respect to the fitted values. It turns out that the $z=1$ case is a well known phenomenon for which $x = c / y$ is the commonly accepted law.
If it helps any, when I plot the residuals versus the more general model $$\log(x y) \approx \beta_0 + \beta_1 \log(z) + \beta_2 \left(\log(z)\right)^2,$$ I get this: