I want to estimate the following equation using a panel data set with countries $i$ and years $t$, preferably in R
$$ y_{it} = \beta_1 \cdot x_{1,it} + \beta_2 \cdot x_{2,it} + \epsilon_{it} $$
However, I cannot observe $y_{it}$ directly. Instead, I can only observe $\tilde y_{it} = s_i \cdot y_{it}$, where $s_i$ is a share of $y_{it}$ that varies across countries, but not over time. $s_i$ is not observable. If it were observable, I could probably just substitute and estimate
$$ \tilde y_{it} = \beta_1 \cdot x_{1,it} \cdot s_i + \beta_2 \cdot x_{2,it} \cdot s_i + \epsilon_{it} $$
Is there a way to estimate the above relationship given my data constraints? It somehow feels like a problem that can be addressed using country dummies (i.e. a fixed-effects model) or a random-effects model, but I cannot seem to figure it out.