Parameters in a statistical sense are not realizations of a random variable:
A statistical parameter is a parameter that indexes a family of
probability distributions. It can be regarded as a numerical
characteristic of a population or a statistical model.
So $T$ will simply be some parameter space (for stochastic processes typically an interval in $\mathbb{R}$).
Usually, a statistician's first association on reading the word "parameter" is to want to estimate and/or do inference on them, for instance
- for the mean or variance of a normal distribution we have sampled from (the parameter space is $\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}_{>0}$)
- or for regression coefficients (the parameter space is $\mathbb{R}^{p+1}$ if you have $p$ regressors and an intercept).
However, it does not need to be the case that we necessarily should want to estimate or do inference. I have a hard time imagining a use case where we would like to estimate the time $t\in T$ on which observations in a stochastic process were sampled. However, you do have a somewhat similar question in dealing with mixture models, where you do think about deducing which of multiple component densities a particular observation came from (although I still have never seen anyone do inference on this - usually you just try to understand the entire mixture).
In any case, the $t\in T$ does satisfy the condition of "indexing a family of probability distributions", namely the $X_t$, and so it is a bona fide parameter. Of course each $X_t$ may have additional parameters that we do want to estimate or infer, e.g., in (G)ARCH modeling.
(Incidentally, in stochastic processes, $X_t$ usually denotes a random variable, namely the process at time $t$, rather than an outcome at time $t$ - it sounds a bit like you are conflating the two.)