Here's a simple rule: when you can compute a proportion within an individual, don't. Dixon (2008) and Jaeger (2008) both demonstrate that this can lead to erroneous inferences. The proper approach to analysis of repeated binary data is to use an inferential approach that treats the data as binary. Here is code (for R) to grab the latest version of the ez
package and compute likelihood ratios for your design's effects (and, by the way, treating your numeric variables as continuous but possibly non-linear via gam, thereby enhancing power):
#install CRAN ez
#get ready to retrieve Dev version of ez
#retrieve ezDev
#load Dev version of ez's functions into memory
#now run the model
my_mix = ezMixed(
data = my_data
, dv = .(choice_is_red)
, random = .(participant)
, fixed = .(num_green,num_red,message)
#In the summary, the bits column represents the computed evidence
#associated with each effect, on the log-base-2 (aka "bits") scale.
#The absolute value represents the strength of evidence while the sign
#represents whether the effect (+) or its null (-) is supported.
#visualize the 3-way with CIs that eliminate between-participants variance
preds = ezPredict(
fit = my_mix$models$'num_green:num_red:message'$unrestricted
p = ezPlot2(
predictions = preds
, x = .(num_green)
, split = .(num_red)
, row = .(message)
, x_lab = 'No. green'
, split_lab = 'No. red'
, y_lab = 'Likelihood of choosing red (log-odds)'
This code assumes that your data is stored in the object my_data
, which has the following structure (order of columns is unimportant, just that they're all there and that it is the raw question-by-question info for each participant):
participant question num_red num_green message choice_is_red
sub1 1 3 2 red 0
sub1 2 4 4 red 1
sub1 3 1 3 blue 0
sub2 1 2 1 blue 0
sub2 2 1 2 red 1