ZCA whitening can use regularization, as in
$$ \tilde{X} = L\sqrt{(D + \epsilon)^{-1}}L^{-1}X, $$
where $LDL^\top$ is an eigendecomposition of the sample covariance matrix. What's a good choice for the regularization parameter $\epsilon$?
I suppose that one could separately do unregularized ZCA whitening on the held-out data $X'$:
$$ \tilde{X'} = L'\sqrt{D'^{-1}}L'^{-1}X' $$
and then choose $\epsilon$ that minimizes the difference between such held-out whitened data and the held-out data whitened using the regularized ZCA developed using the training data:
$$ \tilde{Y}(\epsilon) = L\sqrt{(D + \epsilon)^{-1}}L^{-1}X' $$
$$ \epsilon^* = \mathrm{argmin} \|\tilde{Y}(\epsilon) - \tilde{X'}\| $$
I wonder though if there are easier or more principled approaches to choosing $\epsilon$ or regularizing PCA/ZCA in general.