I have a tobit model the looks like Y = cons + B*(X) + error
. This model is estimated twice on two different samples. I want to be able to test if, say, B is different across the two models (the sample A model vs the sample B model).
I have done this before for logit models using two approaches that yielded the same results. My issue is that these two approaches are not matching when using the tobit model.
Approach 1:
I stack the two samples. If SA is a dummy that is 1 when sample A and SB is a dummy that is one when Sample B then I estimate:
Y = SA + SB + B1*(SA*X) + B2*(SB*X) + error
then I test B1==B2
and done.
Approach 2: Here I use something called seemingly unrelated models. I am using stata, and the procedure involves the following:
estimate Y = cons + B*X + error
for sample A
estimates store ...
estimate Y = cons + B*X + error
for sample B
estimates store ...
combine the estimates using:
suest sample_A_model sample_B_model
then test the coefficients.
Approaches 1 and 2 show different results. Note that if I set up the regressions so that no values are censored, the results are identical. The problem arises when there are censored values. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
? $\endgroup$