I'm looking for the sampling standard deviation of $\hat\sigma^\gamma$, where $\hat\sigma$ is a sample standard deviation. For simplicity, lets do the sample variance of the sample variance and take the roots later.
Before doing any analytical math, I did the following simulation:
N = 10
gam = 2.5
p = rnorm(1000,mu,sig)
SDgam = c()
sdsd = c()
for (i in 1:4000){
s = sample(p,N)
SDgam[i] = sd(s)^gam
abline(v = mean(SDgam),col='red')
sdsd[i] = sd(SDgam)
if (i>1){
The distribution is quite skewed when $\gamma=2.5$, which seems natural enough, and it looks like convergence is a bit slow, which also seems natural enough.
I start with the definition of the variance $$ var(\hat\sigma^{2\gamma}) = E(\hat\sigma^{4\gamma}) - E(\hat\sigma^{2\gamma})^2 $$ then expand it out $$ var(\hat\sigma^{2\gamma}) = \int\hat\sigma^{4\gamma}f(\hat\sigma^2)d\hat\sigma^2 - \left(\int\hat\sigma^{2\gamma}f(\hat\sigma^2)d\hat\sigma^2\right)^2 $$
I can use that fact that $\frac{(n-1)\hat\sigma^2}{\sigma^2}\sim\chi^2_{n-1}$ to rewrite the $f(\hat\sigma^2)$ from above as
$$ f(\hat\sigma^2) = \frac{\hat\sigma^{2(n/2-1)}e^{-\hat\sigma^2/2}\sigma^2}{2^{n/2}\Gamma(n/2)(n-1)} $$
But it isn't clear to me what that gets me or whether it is helpful:
$$ var(\hat\sigma^{2\gamma}) = \int\hat\sigma^{4\gamma}\frac{\hat\sigma^{2(n/2-1)}e^{-\hat\sigma^2/2}\sigma^2}{2^{n/2}\Gamma(n/2)(n-1)}d\hat\sigma^2 - \left(\int\hat\sigma^{2\gamma}\frac{\hat\sigma^{2(n/2-1)}e^{-\hat\sigma^2/2}\sigma^2}{2^{n/2}\Gamma(n/2)(n-1)}d\hat\sigma^2\right)^2 $$
How would I go about getting a closed form here? I want the variance of the sample variance as a function of the sample variance, $N$, and $\gamma$. Apologies if I'm missing something obvious -- I haven't had to do analytical math in a while.