for $\exp\Big(\frac{y_i\theta_i-b(\theta_i)}{\alpha(\varphi)}+c(y_i,\varphi)\Big)$
log-likelihood of the saturated model of an exponential family in general is
$\sum_i\Big(\frac{y_i\hat\theta_i-b(\hat\theta_i)}{\alpha(\varphi)}+c(y_i,\varphi)\Big)$ where $\hat\theta_i=g(\mu_i)$ and put $\mu_i=y_i$
we maximize the log-likelihood, if we need to estimate any of a parameters and maximize w.r.t. that parameter. Otherwise, not to get saturated model.
to get log-likelihood of the saturated model, we just see the perfect fit(i.e all $\mu_i=y_i$)..... log-likelihood of the saturated model is useful to compare scaled deviance from observed model. we don't maximize it.